米国製 35周年記念 ダルチザン LEATHER HAED SPORTS クロムエクセル ホーウィン 野球 ボール MLB WBC BASEBALL サインボール

ステュディオ・ダ・ルチザン 35周年記念 アニバーサリーボールです。
MLBのフォトエディターなどの経歴をもつポール・カニンガムが手がけるLEATHER HAED SPORTSとコラボレーション。
独特の感触や色をもつレザーこそ最高の素材と考えるLEATHER HAED SPORTSが作り出すレザーアイテムは、


※3枚目画像:Orange County at the Newport Sports Museum

1850 -1860 Baseball
This is a Vintage 1850 -1860 Baseball. This 4 piece hand stitched leather skinned baseball was one of the first style baseball used.
Dark leather was used for the cover because it was readily available and easier for the players to see when the ball was hit in the air
 on a clear day. In fact, famed baseball writer Henry Chadwick advocated using a dark red leather base ball as late as 1875 and stated
 so in the 1875 DeWitt's Baseball Umpire's Guide. White baseballs were later introduced (1861) because most ball fields at the time
 had heavily wooded area back drops, and it was easier to see the white ball.