C64 ClassiX2 コモドール64ゲーム集
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C64 ClassiX エミュレーターによるコモドール64ゲーム集です。 (エミュレーター内蔵の為、別途エミュレーターソフト等は不要です。) 未開封です。 以下 内容です。 Join us on a fascinating trip through the wonderful world of the legendary Commodore 64. Relive many of the great games from days long gone by. C64 ClassiX takes you back there and contains 500 games from those days, when 64K RAM was all you needed to spend endless hours of fun. Features: 500 full C64 games Runs under Windows and Mac OS X (games can be played with emulators on other platforms, too) Easy to use interface (Windows only) Information and technical data on the legendary homecomputer Gameplay videos for some C64 games Instructions and solutions to some of the games Background information on programmer teams 完品をご希望の方、神経質な方はご入札ご遠慮下さい。 |
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